"Tattoos are a chance to change' to rip yourself open, sew yourself shut.". 

The Journal went to meet Delphin Musquet.
So tell us who is Delphin Musquet?  
A small man who dreams big.
Tell us how and when you got into tattooing? 
I started tattooing out of my bedroom about 5/6years ago as I couldn’t afford to get tattooed. I just wanted little doodles on my legs and arms so I thought doing it myself was a better idea than paying for it. Then a friend offered me some money to tattoo him and the idea of making this my life grew in my head quite easily let’s say!
How would you describe your art and what made you choose that genre? 
I’m someone that has a big love for antiques and historical art but also I’m someone quite progressive in my way of thinking so I’m trying to mix both with my work, having a good balance between old fashion and contemporary.  I’m trying to create an aspect quite new in this industry especially in Europe and bring this fineline/realistic feel to it over here.
What advice would you offer someone considering the industry as a career? And what would you say to young creatives trying to find their style or voice? 
Just do you, being a creative means trusting your ideas in the extent of the commons opinions. Meditate on that. 
Do you think there Is a common misconception people have about the industry that you are in? 
There is common misconceptions in any common/popular ideas. There will always be some bad eggs to give a bad rep.  Be a good person, do right and that will show for itself.
What do tattoos and tattooing mean to you? 
It is the oldest form of self expression. I think that would resume it all lol 
You opened up your own amazing stufio Studio Sans Patrie near Shoreditch just over a year ago tell us how that's going? Any plans to add a part ll?  
It’s going very well and allows me to finally plan the next steps which was the reason I’ve opened the studio. I have a lot of project that I’ve really looking forward to share with you all. I’ll definitely open something else in the future if the opportunity is showing but right now I want to focus on the brand and make the whole identity shine more and really shows what this is all about.

More images below from Danny Woodstock Photographer    



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