"The batter was as light and crisp as a quaver. It actually felt slightly magical!". 

The Journal went to meet Matt for a day of doing what he does best! Founder of the Food Review Club . Matt has been on a journey nationwide and worldwide the past 4 years sampling all types of eateries and giving his honest opinion, with his hilarious anecdotes the Food Review Club has gained a huge following on social platforms. We had to ask him how it all started, his dream review and of course his death row meal.  

So tell us who is Matt and how did The Food Review Club journey begin?  

It started about 4 years ago where I watched about 30 barstool pizza reviews in a row. I thought to myself, we need this in the UK, I can do this and that was that. We went out the very next day to our local pizza shop and filmed a review out in the dark, from there we grew our audience and the rest is history!
You've taken the review club all over the world, in your opinion who leads the way in cuisine and why? 

I have to say my favourite so far was New York, there’s just so much they do right there and it’s just my kind of food! We’ve barely scratched the surface of trying different cuisines so watch this space!  

That said what's the stand out review you've done to date?

Anstruther Fish Bar, That’s an easy one to answer. I’m not sure if it was the perfect storm or not but on that day I don’t think there was a better portion of fish and chips served anywhere in the land. The batter was as light and crisp as a quaver. It actually felt slightly magical!    
If you could try and review one chef/restaurant in the world who and where would it be? 

I would love to meet the main man Gordon Ramsay, he’s a real hero of my! (not sure I’d want to review him though!) 
You've reviewed hundreds if not thousands of establishments but the question is how good is your cooking and whats your signature meal?  

My cooking is very basic comfort food, because we eat out so much these days we barely have to cook but when we do it’s usually very simple, homely things like spag Bol, meat and two veg. My ultimate favourite food is chicken, cheese and pasta with loads of salad cream. I could eat that everyday for the rest of my life. 
Death row 3 course meal? 

This answer changes daily! It really depends on my mood but it would have to be indulgent… one last hoorah! Massive Ribeye cooked Meduim Rare, with mash, all the trimmings with apple pie and custard for pudding.

More images below from Danny Woodstock Photographer    



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